Què és un sistema d'osmosi inversa i com funciona?

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12 d'abril de 2022

Què és un sistema d'osmosi inversa i com funciona?

Àmpliament considerat com un dels mètodes més eficaços de filtració d'aigua, l'osmosi inversa (RO) produeix aigua neta i de gran sabo. Els sistemes RO s'utilitzen en una varietat d'aplicacions, com ara electrònica, farmacèutica, hotels, aigües residuals governamentals, restaurants i dessalinització. Independentment del tipus d'aigua amb què comenceu, pot haver-hi un sistema RO que s'adapti a les vostres necessitats. Un continuació trobareu què són els sistemes d'osmosi inversa, els seus beneficis i usos. També podeu trobar una llista dels millos sistemes d'osmosi inversa del mercat.

Què és l'osmosi inversa?

Osmosi inversa elimina els contaminants de l'aigua no filtrada, o Unigua d'alimentació, when pressure foces it through a membrana semipermeable. Water flows from the moe concentrated side (moe contaminants) of the RO membrane to the less concentrated side (fewer contaminants) to provide clean drinking water. The fresh water produced is called the Impregnen. L'aigua concentrada que queda s'anomena residu o salmora.

Un membrana semipermeable té petits pous que bloquegen els contaminants però permeten que les molècules d'aigua flueixin. Dins osmosi, water becomes moe concentrated as it passes through the membrane to obtain equilibrium on both sides. Osmosi inversa, however, blocks contaminants from entering the less concentrated side of the membrane. Fo example, when pressure is applied to a volume of saltwater during reverse osmosi, the salt is left behind and only clean water flows through. 
Què és un sistema d'osmosi inversa i com funciona?

How does a reverse osmosi system wok?

Osmosi inversa equipment is to pass the raw water through fine filter, granular activated carbon filter, compressed activated carbon filter, etc., and then pressurize it through pump, with an aperture of 1 / 10000 μ M (equivalent to 1 / 6000 of the size of E. coli and 1 / 300 of the size of virus), the reverse osmosi membrane (RO membrane) changes the water with higher concentration into the water with lower concentration. Unt the same time, it isolates all the impurities mixed into the water such as industrial pollutants, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses, so as to meet the physical and chemical indexes and health standards specified fo drinking and produce clear to pure water. It is the best choice fo human body to supplement high-quality water in time Because the purity of water produced by RO reverse osmosi technology is the highest among all water production technologies mastered by mankind at present, and the cleanliness is almost 100%, people call this kind of water production machine reverse osmosi purified water machine.
Osmosi inversa equipment applies membrane separation technology, which can effectively remove charged ions, inoganic substances, colloidal particles, bacteria and oganic substances in water. It is the best equipment in the process of high-purity water preparation, brackish water desalination and wastetractament d'aigües. It is widely used in electronics, medicine, food, textile, chemical industry, power generation and other fields.

Composition of reverse osmosi equipment system:
Generally, it includes pretreatment system, reverse osmosi device, post-treatment system, cleaning system and electrical control system.
The pretreatment system generally includes raw bomba d'aigua, dosing device, quartz sand filter, activated carbon filter, precision filter, etc. Its main function is to reduce the pollution index of raw water and other impurities such as residual chloine, so as to meet the influent requirements of reverse osmosi. The equipment configuration of the pretreatment system shall be determined accoding to the specific conditions of raw water.
The reverse osmosi device mainly consists of multi-stage high-pressure pump, reverse osmosi membrane element, membrane shell (pressure vessel), suppot, etc. Its main function is to remove impurities in the water and make the effluent meet the use requirements.
The post-treatment system is added when the reverse osmosi cannot meet the effluent requirements. It mainly includes one o moe equipment such as anion bed, cation bed, mixed bed, sterilization, ultrafiltration, EDI, etc. The post-treatment system can better improve the effluent quality of reverse osmosi and make it meet the use requirements.
The cleaning system is mainly composed of cleaning dipòsit d'aigua, cleaning bomba d'aigua and precision filter. When the reverse osmosi system is polluted and the effluent index cannot meet the requirements, it is necessary to clean the reverse osmosi system to restoe its efficacy.
The electrical control system is used to control the nomal operation of the whole reverse osmosi system. Including instrument panel, control panel, various electrical protection, electrical control cabinet, etc

What does a reverse osmosi system remove?
Un sistema d'osmosi inversa elimina els sòlids dissolts com l'arsènic i el fluo a través de la membrana RO. Un sistema d'ósmosi inversa també inclou filtració de sediments i carboni per a un ampli espectre de reducció. Els filtres de carbó d'un sistema RO eliminen el clo i el mal gust i les olos, i el filtre de sediments elimina la brutícia i les deixalles

Does a reverse osmosi system remove…

Fluour? Sí.
Sal? Sí.
Sediment? Sí.
Clo? Sí.
Unrsènic? Sí.
COV? Sí.
Herbicides i pesticides? Sí.
Molts altres contaminants? Sí. Els contaminants enumerats són alguns dels més populars tractats amb un sistema RO, però el sistema també elimina una gran quantitat d'altres contaminants.
Bacteris i virus? No. Si la vostra aigua prové d'una planta de tractament de la ciutat, ja hauria de ser microbiològicament segura. L'osmosi inversa pot eliminar alguns bacteris, però els bacteris podrien créixer a la membrana i entrar potencialment al subministrament d'aigua. Per eliminar els oganismes vius i els virus, recomanem la desinfecció UV.
Unpreneu a eliminar els bacteris de l'aigua potable. 

Sistema d'osmosi inversa benefits
Un reverse osmosi system is one of the most extensive methods of filtration. It removes 98% of dissolved solids, which makes it healthier to drink. Un water distiller is the only other drinking water system that also reduces TDS, but it's less efficient than an RO system. 

Es redueixen els contaminants dissolts nocius
Reducció de sodi 
Reduïts els mals sabos i olos
Més respectuós amb el medi ambient que l'aigua embotellada
Fàcil d'instal·lar i mantenir
Navega pels sistemes d'osmosi inversa

Where to use a reverse osmosi system

Sota l'aigüera? Sí.

Osmosi inversa is most commonly installed at the point of use (POU), like under a kitchen o bathroom sink. Un point-of-use RO system could also be mounted in a cabinet o remotely in the garage o basement. 

Per a una nevera? Sí.

Connecting an under-sink reverse osmosi system to your refrigerato is simple and wothwhile. Osmosi inversa removes minerals from water, making your ice clear and beverages moe refreshing. 

Per a tota la casa? Rarament.

Osmosi inversa can be used to treat water fo the whole house. However, unless your water has a specific contaminant that requires reverse osmosi, using an RO system may be over-kill. Unn RO system solves specific problems like saltwater intrusion in a well o high levels of silica in the water.

Unn RO system will not provide the flow rate needed to pressurize an entire house. In the rare case where a whole house requires RO water, a large Bomba de reforç, com un Grundfos o Davey, provides adequate water pressure. In addition to a large bomba d'aigua and stoage tank, a UV system is needed to disinfect the water once it leaves the tank.

Llarowners have a lot to consider when purchasing an RO system fo the whole house. If your water quality is dire enough to warrant whole house reverse osmosi, you likely have other water quality issues that will need to be addressed prio to the water reaching the RO membrane. High levels of Duresa de l'aigua will cause scale build-up on the membrane, reducing its perfomance and causing it to fail prematurely. Contaminants like ferro can also foul the membrane and will need to be eliminated from the water befoe being treated by the reverse osmosi system.

If you believe your water quality may require whole house reverse osmosi to treat, check out our in-depth guide on reverse osmosi systems. 

Fo showers? No.

If you don’t want to purchase a stoage tank larger than your basement, reverse osmosi is not the best option fo your shower. The solution is usually much simpler and moe focused than reverse osmosi. Shower water with high levels of chloamines can cause nose and eye irritation and aggravate skin conditions. Chloamines are best removed by a whole house catalytic carbon filter. 

Hard water can also lead to unsatisfying showers. Soap does not lather well in water with elevated mineral content, and hard water can leave hair feeling lifeless and dull. Unn ion exchange descalcificador d'aigua eliminarà aquests contaminants. 

Fo pools? No. 

The only time you may need an RO system fo a pool is if the water contains some contaminant that no other filtration system can remove. If you try to fill a 20,000-gallon pool with RO water, even with the most efficient system, you will send 10,000 gallons down the drain. Good news: the amount of dissolved solids in a pool doesn’t really matter, so other systems do a better job providing clean pool water.

Fo agriculture? De vegades.

Osmosi inversa woks well fo agricultura hidropònica, but not all plants survive o thrive with RO water. RO is best suited fo greenhouses where plants are misted o in small gardens, depending on the types of plants. Since agricultura hidropònica eliminates soil, and instead nurtures fruits and flowers with only nutrient-rich water, high-quality water is paramount to hydroponic success. Even small amounts of sediments, salts, and dissolved oganics can upset the delicate balance of the plant life. RO water allows fo total control over your plants nutrient intake.

Exploe how to use reverse osmosi water fo hydroponics. | Learn moe about how hydroponic systems wok.

Fo wells? Sí.

If you get your drinking water from a private well, then an RO system is an excellent way to ensure that the water flowing to your tap is safe. Un reverse osmosi system is a perfect way to remove difficult contaminants often found in well water, like nitrates.

En apartaments? No.

One point-of-entry unit usually supplies water to an apartment building o condominium, and installing an under-sink system is often not allowed. Un Sistema de filtre de taulell és la millor opció en un apartament. 

| If you're looking to invest in a Filtre de taulell, exploe our Filtre de taulell buyer's guide. |

Unt businesses? Sí.

Commercial o industrial reverse osmosi systems are common because commercial units allow drain water to be sent back into the feed supply. Osmosi inversa removes paints, dyes, and other industrial contaminants well. 

Fo an aquarium? Sí.

If you’re a saltwater fish enthusiast, then an RO system is perfect fo you. Osmosi inversa allows you to strip all minerals from the water and add exactly the amount of salt you need back in with a Filtre remineralitzant. Most aquarists rely on a combination of reverse osmosi and Desionització (known as RO/DI water) to ensure their fish are immersed in highly pure water, modified to match the fish's natural envferroment.

| Learn moe about why you should use reverse osmosi water al teu aquari. | 

A les autocaravanes? Sí.

RO systems require proper draining. Stoage tanks are difficult to attach to RVs because drain hookups aren’t located at campsites, but it is possible. Un reverse osmosi system can be very helpful fo those whose RV adventures take them into moe remote, wilderness locations. Un combination of RO and Desinfecció ultraviolada pot assegurar-se que l'aigua que beu estigui lliure de bacteris nocius i partícules. 

| Exploe our RV water filters buyer's guide. |


How long do reverse osmosi systems last?

Sistema d'osmosi inversas usually last between 10 and 15 years. While the systems themselves have a long lifespan, the RO membrane and filters need replacing periodically. The prefilters and post filters should be changed every De 6 mesos a 1 any. Depenent de les condicions de l'aigua, la membrana RO s'ha de substituir cada 2-4 anys.

Aquí en teniu alguns tips to help you maintain your reverse osmosi system. 


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